
Unconscious person found by officers investigating maritime smuggling incident in Carlsbad

Carlsbad police responding to a possible maritime human-smuggling incident late Sunday night found an unconscious girl or woman in the water off Carlsbad State Beach and paramedics rushed her to the hospital, authorities said.

Witnesses saw a suspected smuggling vessel — a low-slung fishing boat known as a panga — in the water near Tower 33 about 11:20 p.m. and called authorities, state parks spokesman Jorge Moreno said. Police were the first agency to arrive, he said.

“A female subject was observed in the water at the time of the event. Carlsbad [police officers] provided medical aid and [the] victim was transported to the hospital in critical condition,” Moreno said in a statement.


Border Patrol agents went to Tamarack beach about 11:40 p.m. after getting a call about a suspected smuggling case. By the time agents arrived, no boat was seen and the only person found was the unconscious female.

“When Border Patrol agents arrived, all suspected subjects involved had already fled the area,” agency spokeswoman Teake Michael said in an email. “We are unable to confirm the number of subjects involved since Border Patrol did not take anyone into custody, but we do believe this was a smuggling event.”

It was unknown whether the female found was an adult or a juvenile. No further information was immediately available.
