
Needed Services and Bergeson’s Vision

Sen. Marian Bergeson is certainly correct when she says there is a “no-growth or slow-growth sentiment in our state.” Ample evidence does seem to exist: overwhelming defeat of the growth-inducing Proposition A. Orange County Tomorrow is gearing up to marshal the muscle of coastal and other 37th Senate District towns to stop other freeways. And as she says, San Juan Capistrano has moved into slow growth with its ordinance limiting new housing.

But the senator apparently hoods and distorts the basic truth. For she imputes the motives of slow growth advocates as an environmental effort “solely to block or delay projects.” By “projects” one guesses she means development and its partner, freeways.

I found among the baker’s dozen of her goals eight references to “infrastructure,” one to environment. Even then the senator gave the back of the hand to conservationists when she seemed to applaud moves to deny voters the right to vote.


The senator says some may have to end run the voters and go directly to the Legislature. Tacky, tacky, tacky. That would be (one assumes) when the people find their city councils supporting unwanted growth-oriented projects.


Laguna Beach
