
Volume of Airport Traffic and the Size of John Wayne

The story of jets at John Wayne Airport (April 27) must be ticking-bomb story No. 13. The Times has quietly dropped another story in front of its innocent reading public. I have yet to see an editorial with the stories indicating anyone at the paper precludes that this is a story of a possible major catastrophe!

All of the stories that are written about near accidents (or an actual jet accident) hinge on one thing--the small size of the airport.

I doubt if there is anything unusual about what the helicopters are doing. There simply isn’t enough room, that is, for helicopters, prop-driven and jet aircraft.


You drew a picture of the Orange County airport. Now draw another picture of the Los Angeles International Airport and put it alongside (the one) of John Wayne. Would you like to know how much traffic Orange County handles: At last report, there were more landings and takeoffs at the John Wayne airport than any in the country, except for O’Hare in Chicago.

John Wayne Airport is simply too small. People who say not so, either do not understand, or they have an ax to grind.


Corona del Mar

