
Local News in Brief : 6 Youths Winners in Musical Competition

Six musicians won $200 first-place awards in the third Young Artists Competition sponsored by the San Fernando Valley Theatre of Performing Arts on Saturday at California State University, Northridge.

Forty-one performers competed in three categories--voice, piano and instrumental. Each category was divided into a junior division, for performers younger than 18, and a senior division, said Walter Moeck, the organization’s music director.

The voice winners were mezzo-soprano Linda Frisch, 24, of Canoga Park in the senior division, and baritone Robert Poizner, 16, of Chatsworth in the junior division. The instrumental winners were flutist Shoji Mizumoto, 24, of Woodland Hills and violinist Brynn Albanese, 17, of Rancho Palos Verdes. In the piano category, Yoon Sung Shin, 22, of Glendale, won senior honors and Haeok Kim, 15, of Granada Hills, won the junior division.


Runners-up were Ralph Cato, 31, of Santa Monica, senior voice; Mark Goldberg, 23, of Reseda, senior instrumental, and Kirsten Holmquist, 15, of Pacific Palisades, junior instrumental. There were no runners-up in junior voice or in the piano categories.
