
Text of Summit Statement on International Terrorism

Associated Press

Here is the statement on international terrorism issued Monday by the leaders of seven industrial nations attending the Tokyo summit:

We, the heads of state or government of seven major democracies and the representatives of the European Community, assembled here in Tokyo, strongly reaffirm our condemnation of international terrorism in all its forms, of its accomplices and of those, including governments, who sponsor or support it. We abhor the increase in the level of such terrorism since our last meeting, and in particular its blatant and cynical use as an instrument of government policy. Terrorism has no justification. It spreads only by the use of contemptible means, ignoring the values of human life, freedom and dignity. It must be fought relentlessly and without compromise.

Recognizing that the continuing fight against terrorism is a task which the international community as a whole has to undertake, we pledge ourselves to make maximum efforts to fight against the scourge. Terrorism must be fought effectively through determined, tenacious, discreet and patient action combining national measures with international cooperation. Therefore, we urge all like-minded nations to collaborate with us, particularly in such international forums as the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization, drawing on their expertise to improve and extend countermeasures against terrorism and those who sponsor or support it.


We, the heads of state or government, agree to intensify the exchange of information in relevant forums on threats and potential threats emanating from terrorist activities and those who support and sponsor them, and on ways to prevent them.

Identify and Deter

We specify the following as measures open to any government concerned to deny to international terrorists the opportunity and the means to carry out their aims, and to identify and deter those who perpetrate such terrorism. We have decided to apply these measures within the framework of international law and in our own jurisdictions in respect of any state which is clearly involved in sponsoring or supporting international terrorism, and in particular of Libya, until such time as the state concerned abandons its complicity in, or support for, such terrorism. These measures are:

--Refusal to export arms to states which sponsor or support terrorism.

--Strict limits on the size of the diplomatic and consular mission and other official bodies abroad of states which engage in such activities, control of travel of members of such mission and bodies, and, where appropriate, radical reductions in, or even the closure of, such missions and bodies.


--Denial of entry to all persons, including diplomatic personnel, who have been expelled or excluded from one of our states on suspicion of involvement in international terrorism or who have been convicted of such a terrorist offense.

--Improved extradition procedures within due process of domestic law for bringing to trial those who have perpetuated such acts of terrorism.

--Stricter immigration and visa requirements and procedures in respect of nationals of states which sponsor or support terrorism.


--The closest possible bilateral and multilateral cooperation between police and security organizations and other relevant authorities in the fight against terrorism.

Appropriate World Bodies

Each of us is committed to work in the appropriate international bodies to which we belong to ensure that similar measures are accepted and acted upon by as many other governments as possible.

We will maintain close cooperation in furthering the objectives of this statement and in considering further measures. We agree to make the 1978 Bonn Declaration more effective in dealing with all forms of terrorism affecting civil aviation. We are ready to promote bilaterally and multilaterally further actions to be taken in international organizations or forums competent to fight against international terrorism in any of its forms.
