
Bell : Council Wants to Sue 7

The Bell City Council Monday voted to sue for monetary damages seven men who were arrested Sunday after allegedly assaulting two Bell-Cudahy police officers.

Officers Sergio Camacho and Jaime Hernandez were injured after they responded to a complaint about a loud party on Heliotrope Avenue at 3:15 a.m. Bell-Cudahy Police Chief Frank Fording said one of the officers was pulled into the house and was struck by several people.

Camacho was bruised, and Hernandez suffered a dislocated shoulder and will be off work for six to eight weeks, Fording said. Councilman Ray Johnson, who introduced the motion, said the city “cannot condone or overlook” that kind of conduct against police officers.


City Atty. Robert Flandrick said he will not file a suit until he speaks to police officers and the individuals involved.
