
San Diego

A 13% increase in water rates that would take effect July 1 and raise the average family’s monthly water bill from $13 to $14.70 was unanimously approved Wednesday by a San Diego City Council committee. In the same 5-0 vote, the Public Services and Safety Committee also approved another 13% increase in July, 1987, hiking the average residential bill to $16.64.

Officials of the Water Utilities Department had asked for a one-time 26% increase in residential rates to offset an anticipated $3-million deficit during the next fiscal year. The committee, however, decided to break the increase in half and phase it in over two years. The committee also went along with a water department request to increase fees developers must pay to hook up water service for new homes. The 71% increase over two years will increase the developers’ hookup bill from an average $290 to $564. The full City Council must approve the increases before they take effect.
