
Support for Cleator

Mr. Dick Dressner of the Maureen O’Connor campaign insisted the other day that he wasn’t going to let “this (Rose Bird) crap get dragged into the mayor’s race.”

Well, Assembly Speaker Willie Brown said that it’s an insult to voters for politicians to sidestep the issue. And while Maureen O’Connor is sidestepping the issue, Bill Cleator has come out as opposed to California Chief Justice Rose Elizabeth Bird’s reconfirmation.

Maureen O’Connor served as chairwoman of the San Diego City Council Public Services and Safety Committee from 1974 to 1975. If she doesn’t believe that crime is a city issue, then I must ask where she was in 1974-1975 . . . absent all of the time?


The reconfirmation vote on Bird is a vote on public safety. Do we want to curtail the power of the police to protect us from criminals? Do we want murderers released into society to kill again . . . and again . . . without fear of the death penalty?

Cleator has answered these questions with a resounding “no.” Where does O’Connor stand? Or does she not have the intelligence or courage to have a position?


San Diego
