
‘Fervor Gives Way to Reason’

Mountains of gratitude and relief accompanied my seeing Goodwin refute his earlier approval of the American bombing of Libya.

When news of this act was done in the name of the United States reached my very personal computer (above the neck), the only message the response tape would give was, “Start your own country.”

As a reader who depends upon Goodwin to consistently “quit himself and be a man,” to be one of the few voices of reason and vision, I was heartsick after reading his first reaction of seconding the bombing. “Now everyone is nuts,” came out of my response tape, “Better resign from the world.”

But now Goodwin has courageously stood up in opposition to all acts that are mean and mindless, writing of the “obscene spectacle of an American President grinning in triumph as he boasted that we had shown ‘we meant business’ and ebulliently threatened to ‘do it again.’ A wise man does not exult in his power to destroy,” he said. Thank you, Mr. Goodwin.



San Marino
