
More So. Baptists Than Catholics Oppose Abortion

Associated Press

A bigger proportion of Southern Baptists than Roman Catholics oppose the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 decision allowing abortion, a Gallup poll finds.

It reports that 60% of Southern Baptists oppose the decision, 31% favor it, and 9% have no opinion, while among Roman Catholics, 48% oppose, 40% favor, and 12% have no opinion.

Overall differences between Protestants and Catholics on the question were found to be statistically insignificant, with 50% of Protestants opposing the ruling, 42% approving and 8% having no opinion.


Americans generally were found to be evenly divided about it, with 45% opposing, 45% approving and 10% with no opinion.

The results were based on in-person interviews with 1,570 adults in more that 300 scientifically selected localities.
