
The Region - News from May 18, 1986

Spring-break revelers visiting Palm Springs next year may be greeted at the city limits by a large sign warning that all laws will be strictly enforced. The sign was among 19 recommendations approved by an Easter week citizens’ task force formed in the wake of the March 28 melee in which more than 100 youths were arrested. The recommendations will be forwarded to the City Council for action. Among the suggestions were high police visibility; enforcement of all laws; establishment of police command centers at Frances Stevens Park, where rioting erupted this year; adoption of an ordinance regulating sleeping outdoors; recruiting citizens for minor police duties so that sworn officers may concentrate on crowd control, and sending news releases to campuses advising students of the orderly activities the city has planned. “We need to send the message out that the party’s over,” said Alexander Grovue, a task force member.
