
Long Beach : Preferential Parking OKd

The city’s first neighborhood to petition for parking permits that allow all-day on-street parking by the people who live there has won City Council approval.

For $30 a car, people who live on Lindin Avenue between Carson Street and Roosevelt Road will be able to buy stickers that will exempt them from a two-hour parking limit. Residents of about 60 homes will be eligible for the stickers. The city’s preferential parking ordinance requires two-thirds of the residents to sign a petition before the sticker program can be implemented.

The two-hour limit was imposed earlier at the request of residents, who complained that they were unable to find space in front of their own homes because a commercial area around the corner on Atlantic Avenue did not have enough parking spaces.


Preferential parking is one option recommended in a recent city study of ways to alleviate the parking problem in Long Beach residential areas.
