
Bombings by South Africa

In case any more are needed, we now have another reason to avoid military solutions to political problems such as the U.S. air strike on Libya; these actions lend an air of respectability and legitimacy to overt military operations of this kind.

I am referring to South Africa’s recent attempt to portray its strikes against African National Congress camps in neighboring Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana as anti-terrorist actions by the issuing of subsequent statements to the effect that all Western nations must act together if terrorism is to be wiped out.

The awkwardness of the Administration’s having to condemn an action in every way similar to one of its own was quite apparent in State Department spokesman Bernard Kalb’s hair-splitting attempts to draw a distinction between the U.S. and South Africa operations.


I hope that the horrifying prospect of having to denounce its own rhetoric will give the Administration additional reason to pause when planning its next military foray.


La Jolla
