
Manhattan Beach : Campaign Limit Is Studied

The City Council is considering an ordinance that would restrict campaign spending and contributions.

Mayor Bob Holmes proposed an ordinance limiting contributions to $249 from a single source. Councilwoman Connie Sieber said she supports the ordinance but Councilmen Larry Dougharty and Gil Archuletta said they are against it.

Dougharty said limits are not necessary in Manhattan Beach, and pointed out that the biggest spenders in the last election were defeated.


Archuletta said limiting contributors to $249 would not limit campaign spending, but would lead to only wealthy people seeking elected office.

The council asked City Atty. Carl K. Newton to determine whether the city can restrict expenditures or the amount candidates contribute to their own campaigns. Councilwoman Jan Dennis said she will go along with what the rest of the council wants, but there was no consensus. The council will discuss the issue again Oct. 13.
