
Bill Would Add 5 Judges to County Courts

From a Times Staff Writer

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown (D-San Francisco) has proposed legislation that would give Orange County five new Superior Court judges and $25 million to help run the courts.

The legislation would add more than 100 new judgeships statewide and would begin the transfer of money for courts from the counties to the state. In exchange, the counties would eventually give the state much of the money now raised through court fines and other penalties.

According to Brown’s staff and several legislators, Brown’s legislation replaces separate bills dealing with new judgeships and court funds that had died in committee during the current legislative session. One of those bills, introduced by state Sen. Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach) called for 15 new judgeships in Orange County.


Bergeson said she was disappointed that Brown’s bill did not contain more judgeships for Orange County but said she plans to support the bill.

The legislation is expected to be taken up in both houses of the Legislature next week.
