
Raider-Coliseum-Irwindale Controversy

Coliseum Commissioner William Robertson is a fine one to point a finger of blame (Metro, Aug. 29) at his fellow commissioners for the current Raider-Coliseum controversy.

Had Robertson done a competent job of negotiating with Al Davis several years ago, the present commission would not be faced with the present crisis. Any high school business student knows that business agreements must always be finalized in writing!

I find it reprehensible, indefensible and a violation of the public trust that Robertson, an appointed official charged with overseeing a public historical landmark, would make behind the scenes oral commitments to a man who had just turned his back on the city of Oakland and its loyal fans. How naive can you get? In Robertson’s labor negotiations does he take managements “oral promises” at face value?


Robertson (secretary-treasurer of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor) would be the laughingstock of the labor movement if he failed to demand commitments in writing.

The present Coliseum Commission majority is correct in wanting a written long-term lease and construction plans from Davis before commiting public funds to further line Davis’ pockets.


West Los Angeles
