
‘Temp’ Careers

As manager of a temp division of a full personnel service, I have found that job candidates who do temporary work while looking for full-time jobs get the best of both worlds. People have the chance to see what is out there.

Employment, after all, is like a relationship--you don’t know if it will work until you put it to the test. This way, both the employer and the candidate can look each other over without commitment. It works beautifully; temps get permanent offers all the time when they have the professional image and skills, and the employer can also see if their personalities fit in with the company image.

Temps are offered so many permanent jobs, they are able to take their time and become more selective. Something interesting happens then--the tables are turned and the candidate is almost interviewing the employer company to see if it offers what the candidate desires. If there is a job opening advertised, then, of course, temps have the advantage of proving that they can do the job without interviewing first.



Baker Personnel Services

