
Morris on Casey’s Past

I take exception to Roger Morris’ article (Op-Ed Page, Aug. 28) in which he castigates the reputation and character of the late CIA Director William Casey. Is Morris so naive to believe that when the United States must negotiate with murderous thugs like the rulers of Iran, Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi and the like, everything must be open and above board, regardless of the sensitivity?

Casey was a loyal and patriotic American who believed that covert operations were in order if the goal was to protect and defend the United States and its citizens. He believed that any such justifiable means were in order. Morris would have our covert operatives wear snow white and tell all the world “the whole truth, nothing but the truth” no matter who got hurt.

Morris reminds me of our liberal congressmen who jumped at the chance to publicize their self-serving sepulchral selves by practically bringing the government of the United States to a halt at the cost of over $10 million to the American taxpayers during the Iran- contra hearings.


