
Jacobsen on Hostages

It has never been made clear as to why any American or any foreigner (for that matter) ever stayed on in Lebanon after our Marines were killed there.

Those Americans who stayed on, for selfish reasons (a job, a nice home, etc.), did endanger their lives and possibly the entire world (this fiasco is not yet over). While we all cry for them and their families, how can one help not being angry and frustrated when we think of the turmoil they are putting this country through.

They were not kidnaped on the streets of the United States, or from some other peaceful country, or while vacationing in the south seas.


The moment our Marines were killed, they should have been packing and on their way home.

Because of this selfishness, the United States is being brought down to its knees by a President who cannot think of anything else but freeing the hostages.


Los Angeles
