
Santa Ana : Mexican Independence Fete Goes On in Park

The Mexican Independence Day celebration in Centennial Regional Park, 2900 Edinger Ave., Santa Ana, continues today ) with Latino entertainment, a carnival, Latino food and beverages and a menudo cook-off.

The event is from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. The cost of admission for adults is $4. The cost for children from 6 to 12 is $1. Children under 6 will be admitted free.

The holiday, which actually falls on Wednesday), marks the day of el grito de Dolores (the cry of Dolores) in 1810. On that day Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla called on the peasants in the village of Dolores in central Mexico to rebel against Spanish rule. The cry resulted in an 11-year rebellion. The priest was executed by the Spanish.
