
‘Small Aircraft as Big Peril’

I take a great offense at Easterbrook’s article because he’s wrong, dead wrong about the problems here in Los Angeles, as well as what general aviation pilots are screaming about. We’re scared. When the FAA closed the VFR corridor above LAX, it left general aviation aircraft that include police, fire department, medical, and news media aircraft no way of transition from the north over LAX to the south without getting a clearance from already overworked controllers.

With the corridor closed and the TCA raised to 12,500 feet, small aircraft will be forced to “mix” with larger, faster jet aircraft within the TCA. Easterbrook believes we’re upset because we can’t use LAX. Well, general aviation aircraft can use LAX, as well as the air traffic control system. With fewer controllers and more aircraft in the “system” the odds of an accident are greater.

The problem is not with wealthy private aircraft owners, but with this Administration. We need more controllers, better radar, as well as altitude reporting transponders from general aviation aircraft.




KFWB News Radio
