
Hot Line for Tips on Food Preservation

Teletip, a telephone hot line--(213) 744-4882--will put you in touch with University of California Cooperative Extension advisers and specialists who can answer questions on food preservation (canning, drying, freezing, making jams and jellies and pickling); food safety and storage.

Their tips will help avoid such problems as botulism, moldy foods and canned foods spoilage. The hot line will also answer questions about refreezing thawed foods, shellfish, wild mushrooms and waxed fruits and vegetables. Fruit and nut tree advisers will answer questions on planting, watering, fertilizing, pest and mite control for avocados, berries, citrus and other fruit. Ditto for home and garden pests, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses and even house plants.

Hours of operation for Teletip are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. for dial phones. A 24-hour daily operation for push button phones is also available. In the Berkeley area, call (415) 644-4270.


The Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of California also has available a special catalogue listing reading matter on farm management, field crops, forestry, fruits and vegetables, insects, integrated pest management, landscaping, marine resources, plant nutrition, soil fertility, water conservation, weed control and wildlife. It can be obtained by writing for Special Publication catalogue 3020 1/86, ANR Publications, University of California, 6701 San Pablo Ave., Oakland 94608-1239.
