
Who Plays in the Parks?

Accolades to David Johnston and The Times in the attempt to apprise local inhabitants of problems in Los Angeles City public parks.

Will this article awaken people (to the fact) that there are problems, and steps must be taken to correct them? Or will the lethargy and apathy of our society prevail, leading to the surrender of our public parks to unwelcomed intruders (gangs and/or private interests, etc.)? Will people react to protect our precious parkland, or sit back, wait and dream that funding will solve our problems? Will the problems created by irresponsible intruders and careless users be solved with money without the cooperation of all?

Is Proposition 13 a valid excuse for lack of funding, when Los Angeles City budgets have tripled? Will indifference to violating our precious parks lead to their extinction? Will city politicians and bureaucrats abide by the City Charter which states: “Parks will remain inviolate . . .”?


People of Los Angeles must get involved and demand that city officials and politicians provide parks, as intended, for the safe enjoyment and pleasure of individuals and families, protected from the intrusion of irresponsible hooligans.


Los Angeles
