
Who Plays in the Parks?

I read David Johnston’s article, “The Dead Parks” (Sept. 3), with great interest. It was an excellent article--very well done and to the point.

We always felt that the park was a safe place for our children, but now it is unsafe and parents are reluctant to have their children go to the parks for play and recreation--attended or unattended.

I have worked with the Los Angeles Police Department on thier DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program, and they are doing all they can to help alleviate this enormous problem by working with the children in the schools. It’s too bad that in this day and age we cannot send our children out to play and know that they are safe and protected. At one time a parent did not hesitate to leave a child unattended to play with other children. They did not have to think twice for fear of what would confront them. What a sad situation.



