
Band Leader Herman’s Problems With the IRS

Everyone is revolted by the auction of Herman’s home by the IRS for alleged taxes “due” in the 1960s.

What an obscene oppression by the United States government! What a terrible way to literally hound an old man into the earth!

Where now is our proud heritage of the Boston Tea Party, our boast of freedom? We cannot even protect our homes from government seizures.


It is mind-boggling that these seizures take place even as our government and politicians pour an endless stream of our tax-wealth and grande largesse abroad--no repayment asked--while turning a stone face to the legitimate needs of our own citizens. It’s almost as if some elected officials and bureaucrats hate their fellow Americans, and reserve for them only a mouthful of salt and a bed in the streets.

Enough is enough. We need a law against home seizures by the government. And we need it now!


Newport Beach
