
‘Dog-Owning Has Had Its Day’

McCarthy may think that “Dog-Owning Has Had Its Day.” Obviously, this columnist hasn’t yet had his because he doesn’t understand, appreciate and certainly hasn’t experienced the God-created beauty of love, devotion and friendship between man and dog--it works both ways.

I wasn’t brought up with a pet in the home except for a rabbit that managed to desert me at the age of 5. As a child, I never had any particular strong feelings about dogs, cats or any other animal. Twenty years ago my wife brought a cute, 6-week-old puppy into our home. I began to entertain some of the ideas set forth in McCarthy’s column--the inconveniences, disturbances, etc.--but soon they were dispelled. I have been “hooked” on our poodle, Pepe, ever since. He is our third dog by that name. He is a creature put on earth by God with more sweetness, warmth and devotion than you could expect to find in anyone or anything.

When McCarthy says that “domesticated dogs are wolves with numbed-out brains,” it is time for him to have his day, to have something around him with a “bite” to remind him that there are others besides human beings who have a God-given right to be on earth to share and enjoy it without exploiting it and milking it dry--while asking for only love in return.


As an animal lover and a judge of human kindness, I find McCarthy guilty of gross insensitivity and do hereby sentence him to the doghouse until he has learned how to wag his tale properly.


Beverly Hills
