
Judiciary Committee Hearings on Judge Robert Bork

Bork should be confirmed because he is likely to restore legislative power to elected representatives in the Senate and House, where it constitutionally belongs, and where its exercise can be rewarded or punished by voters at the next election. Objections to his personal “position” are bad-faith trivia in view of his commitment to placing legislative power in the elected representatives of the people.

Cowardly demagogues in Senate and House have been able to avoid the wrath of the democratic electorate by loading the U.S. Supreme Court with pro-parasitism and pro-criminal ideologists. These tenured politicians of the U.S. Supreme Court have sat in continuous Constitution-amending and legislating session, making laws which would have gotten them thrown out of office if they had been exposed to democratic controls.

Confirm Bork and let Congress assume responsibility for its laws.


Los Angeles
