
Charity Starscene Aids Drug Abuse Program

The first Charity Starscene, a three-day festival in North Hollywood, ends today in North Hollywood Park at Tujunga Avenue and Magnolia Boulevard.

Sponsored by the Universal City/North Hollywood Chamber Foundation, the festival features three stages with continuous entertainment, a dance pavilion, and game, food and arts-and-crafts booths today from noon until 9 p.m.

Participating celebrities include William Windom, Juliet Prowse, Beverly Garland, Christopher Hewett, Ken Berry, Soleil Moon-Frye, Cherie Johnson, Sam Scarber, Paul Stout, Charlotte Rae, Jack Fruschen, Carole Cook, Tom Troupe, George Gaynes, Nancy Dussault, Casey Ellison, Robert Pine and Maxwell Alexander.


Admission is $1.50, free to children through age 12. Proceeds will go to the Los Angeles Police Department/Los Angeles School District DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Program, the Wildlife WayStation and Adoption Division of the Los Angeles County Department of Children’s Services.
