
Schulberg and Sammy

Thank you, Budd Schulberg, for writing the epitaph to our last 50 years. R.I.P. the New Deal, the Fair Deal, the Great Society and, probably soon, Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, welfare--any kind of assistance to the disadvantaged and to the sick, as well as to the maimed, the halt and the blind.

Social legislation, which replaced the erratic, humiliating, so-called Christian charity of yore, will soon be a thing of the past, having been branded “socialist” by the hordes of yuppie Glicks invading business, industry and finance.

After the Supreme Court has been properly packed with right-thinking judges, such as Robert Bork, we can say a final goodby to a humane and truly civilized society. Schulberg, a prophet for our time, held up a mirror for us to see ourselves as we are; evidently what they saw pleased a great many, and so the splendid American civilization will self-destruct, just as so many others have done in the past, prophets notwithstanding.



Studio City
