
Pope John Paul’s Visit to L.A.

Malcolm Boyd criticizes the Pope as a “Vicar of Hype” (Op-Ed Page, Sept. 11) yet he uses the news media to “sell” his one-sided view.

Thousands of Catholics willingly contributed to this visit to pay not for “monarchical trappings,” but for the joy of a visit by this great man who is our Pope. We look at the Pope not as a “super saint” but as the Vicar of Christ, human in all ways, trying the best way he can to unite all people in Christ. Boyd would do well to read the life of John Paul II who has suffered greatly in his personal life and is a humble man rather than one “seeking the glory of office.”

The church is not “losing its soul because of exploitation,” but rather too many people, because of selfishness, are not facing responsibility for their “free-will” actions.


Satan has enough help in the non-Christian atmosphere without Christian priests criticizing other religions.


San Clemente
