
Judge Bork’s Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing

I have heard everything now. Listening to Judge Robert H. Bork before the Senate Judiciary Committee put me in mind of Alice in Wonderland. What hairsplitting.

“Yes, I was going to fire (Special Prosecutor) Archibald Cox. He had the temerity to ask (President Richard) Nixon for the tapes. Only Congress can do that.”

So what? Is it a crime to ask? All Nixon had to do was refuse--which he did.

“I was going to resign afterwards, but it would upset the government if I did that.”

What hairsplitting. The government was already pretty much upset. The country was in an uproar over the massacre and Congress then voted to demand the tapes.


“No great harm was done by firing Cox. The outcome proved that.”

Damn right. The firing and resignations galvanized the country. The people were not going to take the action lying down. They were going to see that justice was done, no matter what Bork or Nixon did.

If Bork is confirmed we are going to have a justice who has a set mind on the issues and then proceeds to find tenuous and involved arguments to support his views. Never fear, he will always find a new hair to split.


