
Hammering Away at Downey’s View

Mike Downey’s article, “Fast Eddie . . . ,” (Sept. 16) was the most mean-spirited, one-sided editorial I can recall seeing featured on the front page of a major sports section.

An imaginary ex-jock “Eddie DeScabb” is characterized as being an “ox,” a “complainer,” a “vulture,” “two-faced,” having “no principles,” “no conscience,” and having crawled out of a hole. He is accused of all this because he considers trying to live a long-held dream of playing pro football, made possible at a time when many of the highly paid regulars refuse to play.

This vilification seems a little heavy-handed, and unreasonably judgmental for this fantasy. It’s pretty obvious where Mr. Downey stands. He’s about as subtle as a sledgehammer.



San Gabriel
