

Premiere, the slick, new NYC-based film monthly, has jumped from a press run of 300,000 for its June trial issue to 430,000 for its formal October debut issue. And it’s getting lotsa hyperbolic promotion from NYC/LA P.R. firm PMK.

Whoa! Isn’t November cover boy William Hurt a PMK client? Ditto Faye Dunaway and Glenn Close, treated so favorably in the October issue? Will we be seeing a parade of PMKers in forthcoming issues, thanks to a cozy connection?

“We’ve had clients in, but there’s no relationship,” said PMK’s Allen Eichhorn from his NYC office. “We keep it quite separate. There’s no influence on editorial decisions whatsoever. It would be unfair.


“You have to realize, PMK has 150 top Hollywood clients, so the ratio (of those appearing so far in Premiere) is small.”

Editor Susan Lyne said the magazine has featured “a lot more clients of Andrea Jaffe, Guttman & Pam, Peggy Siegel and Rogers & Cowan,” although “we’ll certainly go to PMK when we want to interview one of their people.”

Look for substantive pieces along with celeb profiles, said Lyne. She singled out upcoming articles on creative studio accounting and the rise of NYC and LA film schools (research shows that USC and NYU are tops in turning out the best directors).


Her biggest disappointment so far: “We were shot down for a location story on (Steven Spielberg’s) ‘Empire of the Sun’--but then, so was everybody else.”
