
Feminism and the CSULB Faculty

You flatter me. Your article on Sept. 13 (Long Beach section) claimed that I was “instrumental in creating a controversy” at Cal State Long Beach “that ultimately resulted in the resignation of a professor accused of giving sexually oriented homework assignments, and the reorganization of a women’s study department accused of promoting lesbianism.”

I’d love to take the credit, but I had nothing to do with Barry Singer’s resignation. I didn’t know him and I didn’t know the student who complained to the administration.

My role in exposing the women’s studies department was hardly “instrumental.” Students, taxpayers and legislators were outraged by the program--and still are. The exclusively feminist faculty, like their counterparts in similar departments across the nation, are openly committed to a political agenda and use our tax money to win converts.


Any “reorganization” of the department, thanks to intimidation by the faculty, who are still threatening a lawsuit against their own administration, was apparently only temporary and cosmetic.


Long Beach
