
Question: I have recently read a great...

Question: I have recently read a great deal about using a home inspector before purchasing a home to make sure that there are no major problems. Where can I get a list of home inspectors?

Answer: The American Society of Home Inspectors is at 655 15th St. N.W., Suite 320, Washington, D.C. 20005; 202/842-3096. They have a list of member inspectors available in California. However, they do require a return post-paid envelope.

Q: As the southern regional deputy for the Contractors State License Board, I feel that your article of Aug. 23 was unfair in listing the priorities of the board.


The CSLB has two functions: licensing and enforcement. The first question in your article related to complaints, while your answer related to licensing.

Enforcement of our consumer complaints is the top priority. If we had additional staff, computer systems and automated telephone answering systems, a more complete job would result. The following is the method in which complaints are grouped by priority:

Group A (1-60 days).

1--An immediately dangerous condition that might endanger a person’s physical being or property.


2--Known organized crime groups, e.g., those dealing in home improvements.

3--Complaints involving fraud.

Group B (7-90 days)

1--Multiple complaints against the same contractor (licensed/unlicensed).

2--Investigations of new applications.

Group C (21-120 days)

1--Large monetary injury complaints against contractor.

2--Interagency contractors’ enforcement program--CSLB, Department of Industrial Relations and Employment Development Department.

3--Safety code violations.

4--Building code violations.

Group D (within six months)

1--All other complaints and investigations.

A: I am in complete agreement about the dedication of many deputy registrars regarding consumer complaints. Unfortunately, seldom does a week goes by that I do not receive some correspondence from homeowners who have been dissatisfied with the method in which the board responds to their complaints.
