

Several changes in the Metro section of The Times begin with today’s edition. The highlights:

Page 2 is now a Digest page with brief news items from around Los Angeles County. The locale for each item is highlighted in bold type. The page also features a new column, “Only in L.A.,” that will appear Tuesday through Saturday spotlighting local people and events. Also appearing on Page 2 will be photographs of special interest.

Page 3 has become a full news page, allowing for expanded local news coverage. In today’s edition is Postscript, a weekly feature updating readers on what happened to a news subject or event. From time to time, the page will carry a column entitled “My Beat,” a special look at Los Angeles written by staff reporters.


Other changes took effect Monday. They include:

Weather. The weather page has been redesigned. New maps highlight local forecast temperatures, national weather patterns and Northern Hemisphere air pressure patterns. The satellite weather photo continues as part of the page.

Death Notices have been moved to Part I. Today they appear on Page 16. News obituaries will appear on the same page.
