
Rapping NWA’s Vision of the Inner City

The fallacy in Dennis Hunt’s review of N.W.A.’s “Straight Outa Compton” is a dangerous one that lies close to the root of racism in the media.

This record clearly does not represent “the reality of the black ghetto” and Hunt’s characterization of it as such is just another insult to the decent, hard-working citizens of those communities.

The record is, in fact, brutally sexist by “mainstream rules” or any other, and sexism is no more a fact of life in “the ghetto subculture” than in any other.


Most African-American men are not like Eazy-E, and this album is by no means an “audio-documentary of ghetto life.”

Chalk up one more for the media’s attempt to dehumanize the perception of the black communities of L.A.


