
Causes of Suicide

I’m writing in regard to your article “The Will to Die.” It hit close to home with me. My father committed suicide 3 years ago. He lived kind of far from us, and alone. He wanted very much to have his four children living with him but never really voiced it.

My parents were divorced for 4 or 5 years when he passed away. He felt he was a failure as a father and husband, and a failure in life.

He was 47, and far from a failure. To me, he was just perfect as a father, and he had a great reputation in construction. He thought all he did to us children was wrong, because he couldn’t be there all the time. I wish I could have made him see how wrong he was. I miss him very much.


Your article helped me understand a little more about how he felt. There are probably hundreds of things that built up in him to make him take his life, and I have learned to realize it wasn’t all my fault.

Suicide hits me hard, and I feel for the survivors as much as I do for the individual. Your article was very good. I thank you for bringing me one step closer in understanding.


