
Oil Spill Off Alaska Shore

Citizens of the world are outraged with Exxon’s spill in Prince William Sound. Anyone who has taken the ferry across that body of water realizes its importance for the whole planet. Because of its scenic beauty and high concentration of wildlife and endangered species, the Exxon accident could not have happened at a worse spot.

It seems that the accident resulted from the failure of both human skills and the most sophisticated navigation systems available. The action of the regional oil-spill response team (a voluntary industry organization) and the Coast Guard was slow--in spite of the calm waters. And although industry has repeatedly touted the efficiency of its equipment for cleaning up the mess, only a small fraction of the precious cargo will be recovered.

Companies that profit from a public resource must be brought to bear the full responsibilities for the risks they undertake. Those that cannot operate in a safe manner should be put out of business. We require no less responsibilities of citizens.



Van Nuys
