
Comments on ‘Style’

Hulse’s nice little article about Kaua’s Na Pali coast was surely the height of irony. It extolled the beauty of this magnificent spot that “remains silent save for the voice of the wind” . . .etc. That is what I hiked for miles to find. It is not there anymore. Instead there is a pervasive and intrusive chatter, clatter and roar of helicopters overhead every 20 minutes and zodiacs off the shore carrying hordes of tourists. I don’t know when I have gone so far, spent so much and exerted myself so much to be so disappointed. It is a crying shame that what could be a rare glimpse of paradise is ruined by care-less commercialism. Try it . . you won’t like it!



Editor’s note: Hulse was writing about the distant and remote stretch of the Na Pali coast and not the area being so sadly commercialized.
