

Am I the only one who has come to the realization that the modern “convenience” of spray paint has become more of a necessity to those who use it to deface private, city, state and federal property, in addition to the beauty of nature as you so sadly describe in your article “Nature Wears Stain of Graffiti” (Metro, March 27), than to the occasional buyer for legitimate purposes?

In 10 short years Los Angeles has been overrun by these worthless vandals armed with cans of spray paint. Isn’t it obvious that all the well-intentioned “graffiti clean-up projects” are useless? What takes hours to cleanup is destroyed in minutes.

Do we really need spray paint? I say we don’t. And I’m willing to bet I’m not alone. The time has come to make spray paint one “convenience” we can live without. Now how do we go about getting a ban spray paint in California initiative on the ballot?



Los Angeles
