
Arcadia : Board Won’t Back Gun Ban

The school board has decided by a 3-2 vote not to back a resolution supporting nationwide efforts to ban semiautomatic assault weapons.

A majority of board members believe that it would be inappropriate for the board to take a position on a general issue such as a weapons ban, said Supt. Stephen Goldstone.

In the past, board resolutions have dealt specifically with education-related matters, Goldstone said, and board members did not want to dilute the weight of any school-related resolutions they may adopt in the future.


The gun-ban resolution had been proposed at a March 6 board meeting in response to a tragedy in January when a man with an assault rifle sprayed a Stockton schoolyard with gunfire. He killed five children and wounded 29 others before shooting and killing himself.

Since then, legislatures at all levels have been pushing to ban assault weapons. In the San Gabriel Valley, the South El Monte City Council voted to ban assault weapons in March.
