

In response to Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner Alan C. Nelson’s letter, March 28:

If indeed extended voluntary departure were to be offered to refugees from Central America, and if indeed 22 million of them took advantage of this and came to our country, there would be no one left to fight in that part of the world. If we could then find no way to “uproot” those 22 million and send them back, not to worry--at least that many native-born Americans, and probably more, would surely emigrate to El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and Belize. For without the war, poverty, squalor, and intellectual shackles imposed by colonialists and their progeny, that part of the world would be a paradise.

Unfortunately, I think the Central American people would realize that, too, and would demand, rightfully, their nations back. Wouldn’t it be much simpler to give them their birthright now, saving everyone a lot of trouble and expense? But then you’d be out of a job, wouldn’t you?



