
Nicaragua and El Salvador

I refer to “New U.S. Policy on Contras Told,” Part I, March 25:

You state that under a bipartisan agreement, $45 million of humanitarian aid--for food and shelter--will be provided the Contras over a period of 10 months. Based on a 12,000 troop count, this sum equates to $375 per month per Contra, or approximately $65 more than the general relief paid to the destitute by Los Angeles County--and an even greater differential when compared to the relief provided in other areas of the U.S. where the cost of living is less. And many of those on relief live on the streets--or in shelters, if they can be found--because affordable housing is just not available.

It is difficult to justify Contra support as a funding priority over needed social programs which, we are told by our legislators, cannot be provided because of budget deficits. With inadequate housing, food, medical care, and education, it is apparent that the poor in this country are effectively the source of the $45 million for the Contras.


Pacific Palisades
