
Industry Group Issues Warning to Rancho Seco

From Associated Press

Operators of the troubled Rancho Seco nuclear power plant, which is facing possible closure by voters June 6, were told by their own industry Wednesday that serious problems are likely to continue and that current political pressure could lead to unsafe actions by plant workers.

“Our concern is that, since the fundamental conditions that led to the poor record of performance . . . and the recurring pattern of (troublesome) events . . . have not changed, the plant’s performance in the coming months and years will not be substantially altered,” the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations said in a letter.

The institute particularly criticized the decision by the Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s board of directors to make closure of the plant contingent on how well it operates.


“Such a resolution places an inordinate burden on the operating staff and could lead to non-conservative and potentially unsafe actions by plant personnel in an effort to keep the plant on the line . . . in order to preserve their livelihood,” the organization said.

Joe Buonaiuto, the utility board’s chairman, responded that “in terms of leadership, I have to agree that it is the board’s conduct which is the principal root cause of a uniquely troublesome environment that undermines performance at Rancho Seco. . . .”

“A degree of responsibility must be shared by other elected officials here in Sacramento who have carved out anti-nuclear positions,” he added


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has summoned board members to Washington for a meeting Friday about the institute’s report.
