
‘Vision of One World’

One World is not a functional description of a possible future blending of national entities, but a symbol of the reality of the world as it exists today. For this reason, I take exception to the concerns of Hardin.

We now live in One World, but do not see it that way. Therefore, we act as though we are separate and independent and believe we can have whatever we want, yet do not perceive the consequences of our actions.

Nature is an example of the interdependence and oneness of life, with all its diversity and beauty. The life damaging results of our continuing pollution of the environment is one example of our lack of understanding of our interdependence. What the actions of the Ayatollah Khomeini teach us is that violence to any person in this One World is life damaging to all.


I feel that the increasing incidents of violence, hunger, homelessness and drug use are the signs of our lack of realization that we are all a part of this One World, and that each one of us shares a responsibility for what is happening. All people want peace and security. I believe we can change direction, and together find the “truth” of what is needed once we start acting out of a belief in that symbol of One World.


Woodland Hills
