

Clipboard researched by Susan Davis Greene, Dallas Jamison and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 BOLSA CHICA STATE BEACH Camping 15,260 16,544 17,332 14,928 25,436 Day use 2,044,949 2,076,335 4,034,708 4,024,403 4,204,543 CHINO HILLS STATE PARK Camping 2,401 3,383 1,262 316 5 Day use 26,304 8,805 4,841 3,449 351 CRYSTAL COVE STATE PARK Camping* Day use 471,183 394,429 469,054 406,897 417,633 DOHENY STATE BEACH Camping 136,348 140,103 148,178 143,533 145,349 Day use 582,319 522,206 710,845 736,733 802,493 SAN CLEMENTE STATE BEACH Camping 226,897 236,105 267,676 266,544 264,477 Day use 91,484 87,553 123,340 133,868 159,412 SAN ONOFRE STATE BEACH Camping 117,223 120,649 127,792 122,721 128,717 Day use 826,182 694,483 628,110 670,547 630,541

* Crystal Cove State Park began offering camping in March.


Camping figures represent number of people (not number of sites).

The state imposed a $4 fee increase for camping and a $1 fee increase for day use in April, 1987.

Also in 1987, part of Bolsa Chica State Beach was turned over to the city of Huntington Beach.


Source: State of California, Resources Agency, Department of Parks and Recreation
