
Exxon Oil Spill and Higher Gas Prices

In response to the open letter from Exxon published in The Times on April 4:

I scarcely know how to express my feelings of anger and disgust upon seeing the full-page “open letter” from Exxon. The letter’s apologies for the worst oil spill in our history seemed feeble and meaningless in light of Exxon’s outrageous negligence--first, in allowing the accident to happen, and second, in ignoring for days offers from various groups and hundreds of volunteers to help with the cleanup.

Top Exxon executives should be held accountable to the last degree for this disaster. They should be trudging the mucky shoreline, picking up rotting, oil-covered bird and sea otter carcasses. They should be held responsible for the economic devastation that will most likely hit the area. And they should lose all rights to further oil exploration in Alaska.


