
Exxon Oil Spill and Higher Gas Prices

In response to Sen. Frank Murkowski’s (R-Alaska) column “Don’t Shut Alaska’s Oil Spigot,” Op-Ed Page, April 2:

I am appalled that the senator tells us how fortunate we are that not all of the oil contained on the Exxon Valdez tanker spilled into Prince William Sound. He further states that Exxon has now accepted full responsibility and has committed to pay for the cleanup and full reimbursement for the damages.

Does the senator really believe that Exxon’s dollars will restore the lives of the countless birds and marine mammals which have died and will die, restore the damage to the ecosystem, the fishing industry so vital to the people of this area, or the pristine beauty of the sound itself?


Murkowski, in agreement with President Bush, says there is no real connection between the recent accident and further drilling and exploration for oil in the Alaskan wilderness. Neither he nor President Bush seem to consider that further intrusion into this magnificent land will inevitably affect the environment and the wildlife now existing there, which dollars cannot replenish.

Would it not be to the benefit of all life if Exxon dollars were used to develop alternative sources of energy which will not continue to pollute the earth, seas and skies, either by their use or such accidents as the one which has just occurred?


Santa Monica
