
Making the Cut--The Music

T here is some choice, but not much, in what violinists are asked to play on their audition tapes and at the ensuing live audition for the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

In both cases, applicants get to play a portion--either all or part of the first movement--from any of the following concerti:




Prokofiev No. 2

Bartok No. 2



The rest of the format is set in stone. Each violinist must play the following music :

ON TAPE: Brahms’ Symphony No. 4, second movement: Play from measure 88 to 102

Schumann’s Symphony No. 2, Scherzo: Play from the beginning to measure 50

Strauss’ “Don Juan,” play from the beginning to the 14th measure after letter C

LIVE: The first and second movements of Mozart’s Concerto No. 3 in G major, No. 4 in D major, or No. 5 in A major.


Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3, third movement

Brahms’ Symphony No. 4, first and second movements

Mozart’s Symphony No. 39, second and fourth movements

Schumann’s Symphony No. 2, second and third movements

Strauss’ “Don Juan”

The last line of the information sheet: “Also be prepared to sight read from the standard orchestral repertoire.”
